Source code for

from types import FunctionType

from fdm import central_fdm
from lab import B
from mlkernels import (
from plum import Union

from .fdd import FDD
from .. import PromisedGP, PromisedMeasure, _dispatch
from ..random import RandomProcess

__all__ = ["assert_same_measure", "intersection_measure_group", "cross", "GP"]

[docs]def assert_same_measure(*ps): """Assert that processes are associated to the same measure. Args: *ps (:class:`.gp.GP`): Processes. """ # First check that all processes are constructed from the same measure. for p in ps[1:]: if ps[0].measure != p.measure: raise AssertionError( f"Processes {ps[0]} and {p} are associated to different measures." )
[docs]def intersection_measure_group(*ps): """Get the intersection of the measures associated to a number of processes. Args: *ps (:class:`.gp.GP`): Processes. """ assert_same_measure(*ps) intersection = set(ps[0]._measures) for p in ps[1:]: intersection &= set(p._measures) return intersection
[docs]def cross(*ps): """Construct the Cartesian product of a collection of processes. Args: *ps (:class:`.gp.GP`): Processes to construct the Cartesian product of. Returns: :class:`.gp.GP`: The Cartesian product of `ps`. """ p_cross = GP() for measure in intersection_measure_group(*ps): measure.cross(p_cross, *ps) return p_cross
[docs]class GP(RandomProcess): """Gaussian process. Args: mean (:class:`mlkernels.Mean`, optional): Mean function of the process. Defaults to zero. kernel (:class:`mlkernels.Kernel`): Kernel of the process. measure (:class:`.measure.Measure`): Measure to attach to. Must be given as a keyword argument. name (str, optional): Name. Must be given as a keyword argument. """ @_dispatch def __init__(self, mean, kernel, measure=None, name=None): self._measures = [] if measure is None: # If no measure is given. See if a default it set. if PromisedMeasure.resolve().default: measure = PromisedMeasure.resolve().default else: measure = PromisedMeasure.resolve()() # Resolve mean. if isinstance(mean, (B.Numeric, FunctionType)): mean = mean * OneMean() # Resolve kernel. if isinstance(kernel, (B.Numeric, FunctionType)): kernel = kernel * OneKernel() # Add a new `GP` to the measure with the resolved kernel and mean. The measure # will add itself to `self.measures`. measure.add_independent_gp(self, mean, kernel) # If a name is given, set the name. if name:, name) @_dispatch def __init__(self, kernel, measure=None, name=None): self.__init__(ZeroMean(), kernel, measure=measure, name=name) @_dispatch def __init__(self): self._measures = [] @property def measure(self): """Measure that the GP was constructed with.""" if len(self._measures) == 0: raise RuntimeError("GP is not associated to a measure.") else: return self._measures[0] @property def kernel(self): """Kernel of the GP.""" return self.measure.kernels[self] @property def mean(self): """Mean function of the GP.""" return self.measure.means[self] @property def name(self): """Name of the GP.""" return self.measure[self] @name.setter @_dispatch def name(self, name: str): for measure in self._measures:, name) def __call__(self, x, noise=None): """Construct a finite-dimensional distribution at specified locations. Args: x (input): Points to construct the distribution at. noise (scalar, vector, or matrix, optional): Additive noise. Returns: :class:`.fdd.FDD`: Finite-dimensional distribution. """ return FDD(self, x, noise)
[docs] def condition(self, *args): """Condition `self.measure` on data and obtain the posterior GP. See :meth:`.measure.Measure.condition` for a description of the arguments. Returns: :class:`.gp.GP`: Posterior GP. """ posterior = self.measure.condition(*args) return posterior(self)
@_dispatch def __or__(self, *args): """Shorthand for :meth:`.gp.GP.condition`.""" return self.condition(*args) @_dispatch def __add__(self, other: Union[B.Numeric, FunctionType]): res = GP() for measure in self._measures: measure.sum(res, self, other) return res @_dispatch def __add__(self, other: "GP"): res = GP() for measure in intersection_measure_group(self, other): measure.sum(res, self, other) return res @_dispatch def __mul__(self, other: Union[B.Numeric, FunctionType]): res = GP() for measure in self._measures: measure.mul(res, self, other) return res @_dispatch def __mul__(self, other: "GP"): res = GP() for measure in intersection_measure_group(self, other): measure.mul(res, self, other) return res
[docs] def shift(self, shift): """Shift the GP. See :meth:`.measure.Measure.shift`.""" res = GP() for measure in self._measures: measure.shift(res, self, shift) return res
[docs] def stretch(self, stretch): """Stretch the GP. See :meth:`.measure.Measure.stretch`.""" res = GP() for measure in self._measures: measure.stretch(res, self, stretch) return res
[docs] def transform(self, f): """Input transform the GP. See :meth:`.measure.Measure.transform`.""" res = GP() for measure in self._measures: measure.transform(res, self, f) return res
[docs] def select(self, *dims): """Select dimensions from the input. See :meth:``.""" res = GP() for measure in self._measures:, self, *dims) return res
[docs] def diff(self, dim=0): """Differentiate the GP. See :meth:`.measure.Measure.diff`.""" res = GP() for measure in self._measures: measure.diff(res, self, dim) return res
[docs] def diff_approx(self, deriv=1, order=6): """Approximate the derivative of the GP by constructing a finite difference approximation. Args: deriv (int, optional): Order of the derivative. Defaults to `1`. order (int, optional): Order of the estimate. Defaults to `6`. Returns: :class:`.gp.GP`: Approximation of the derivative of the GP. """ # Use the FDM library to figure out the coefficients. fdm = central_fdm(order, deriv, adapt=0, factor=1e8) fdm.estimate() # Estimate step size. # Construct finite difference. df = 0 for g, c in zip(fdm.grid, fdm.coefs): df += c * self.shift(-g * fdm.step) return df / fdm.step ** deriv
@property def stationary(self): """Stationarity of the GP.""" return self.kernel.stationary def __str__(self): return self.display() def __repr__(self): return self.display()
[docs] def display(self, formatter=lambda x: x): """Display the GP. Args: formatter (function, optional): Function to format values. Returns: str: GP as a string. """ if self._measures: return ( f"GP({self.mean.display(formatter)}, {self.kernel.display(formatter)})" ) else: return "GP()"