Source code for stheno.random

import warnings
from types import FunctionType

from lab import B
from matrix import AbstractMatrix, Zero
from plum import convert, Union

from . import _dispatch, BreakingChangeWarning

__all__ = ["Random", "RandomProcess", "RandomVector", "Normal"]

[docs]class Random: """A random object.""" def __radd__(self, other): return self + other def __rmul__(self, other): return self * other def __neg__(self): return -1 * self def __sub__(self, other): return self + (-other) def __rsub__(self, other): return (-self) + other def __div__(self, other): return self * (1 / other) def __truediv__(self, other): return Random.__div__(self, other)
[docs]class RandomProcess(Random): """A random process."""
[docs]class RandomVector(Random): """A random vector."""
[docs]class Normal(RandomVector): """Normal random variable. Args: mean (column vector, optional): Mean of the distribution. Defaults to zero. var (matrix): Variance of the distribution. """ @_dispatch def __init__( self, mean: Union[B.Numeric, AbstractMatrix], var: Union[B.Numeric, AbstractMatrix], ): self._mean = mean self._mean_is_zero = None self._var = var @_dispatch def __init__(self, var: Union[B.Numeric, AbstractMatrix]): Normal.__init__(self, 0, var) @_dispatch def __init__(self, construct_mean: FunctionType, construct_var: FunctionType): self._mean = None self._construct_mean = construct_mean self._mean_is_zero = None self._var = None self._construct_var = construct_var @_dispatch def __init__(self, construct_var: FunctionType): Normal.__init__(self, lambda: 0, construct_var) def _resolve_mean(self, construct_zeros): if self._mean is None: self._mean = self._construct_mean() if self._mean_is_zero is None: self._mean_is_zero = self._mean is 0 or isinstance(self._mean, Zero) if self._mean is 0 and construct_zeros: self._mean = B.zeros(self.dtype, self.dim, 1) def _resolve_var(self): if self._var is None: self._var = self._construct_var() # Ensure that the variance is a structured matrix for efficient operations. self._var = convert(self._var, AbstractMatrix) @property def mean(self): """Mean.""" self._resolve_mean(construct_zeros=True) return self._mean @property def mean_is_zero(self): """The mean is zero.""" self._resolve_mean(construct_zeros=False) return self._mean_is_zero @property def var(self): """Variance.""" self._resolve_var() return self._var @property def dtype(self): """Data type.""" return B.dtype(self.var) @property def dim(self): """Dimensionality.""" return B.shape(self.var)[0] @property def m2(self): """Second moment.""" return self.var + B.outer(B.squeeze(self.mean))
[docs] def marginals(self): """Get the marginals. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the marginal means and marginal variances. """ warnings.warn( '"Normal.marginals" previously returned a tuple containing the marginal ' "means and marginal lower and upper 95% central credible interval bounds, " "but now it returns a tuple containing the marginal means and marginal " "variances. This was a breaking change. If you wish to compute the " 'credible bounds, use "Normal.marginal_error_bounds".', category=BreakingChangeWarning, ) # It can happen that the variances are slightly negative due to numerical noise. # Prevent NaNs from the following square root by taking the maximum with zero. return ( B.squeeze(B.dense(self.mean)), B.maximum(B.diag(self.var), B.cast(self.dtype, 0)), )
[docs] def marginal_credible_bounds(self): """Get the marginal credible region bounds. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the marginal means and marginal lower and upper 95% central credible interval bounds. """ warnings.simplefilter(category=BreakingChangeWarning, action="ignore") mean, variances = self.marginals() warnings.simplefilter(category=BreakingChangeWarning, action="default") error = 1.96 * B.sqrt(variances) return mean, mean - error, mean + error
[docs] def logpdf(self, x): """Compute the log-pdf. Args: x (input): Values to compute the log-pdf of. Returns: list[tensor]: Log-pdf for every input in `x`. If it can be determined that the list contains only a single log-pdf, then the list is flattened to a scalar. """ logpdfs = ( -( B.logdet(self.var) + B.cast(self.dtype, self.dim) * B.cast(self.dtype, B.log_2_pi) + B.iqf_diag(self.var, B.subtract(B.uprank(x), self.mean)) ) / 2 ) return logpdfs[0] if B.shape(logpdfs) == (1,) else logpdfs
[docs] def entropy(self): """Compute the entropy. Returns: scalar: The entropy. """ return ( B.logdet(self.var) + B.cast(self.dtype, self.dim) * B.cast(self.dtype, B.log_2_pi + 1) ) / 2
[docs] @_dispatch def kl(self, other: "Normal"): """Compute the KL divergence with respect to another normal distribution. Args: other (:class:`.random.Normal`): Other normal. Returns: scalar: KL divergence. """ return ( B.ratio(self.var, other.var) + B.iqf_diag(other.var, other.mean - self.mean)[0] - B.cast(self.dtype, self.dim) + B.logdet(other.var) - B.logdet(self.var) ) / 2
[docs] @_dispatch def w2(self, other: "Normal"): """Compute the 2-Wasserstein distance with respect to another normal distribution. Args: other (:class:`.random.Normal`): Other normal. Returns: scalar: 2-Wasserstein distance. """ var_root = B.root(self.var) root = B.root(B.matmul(var_root, other.var, var_root)) var_part = B.trace(self.var) + B.trace(other.var) - 2 * B.trace(root) mean_part = B.sum((self.mean - other.mean) ** 2) # The sum of `mean_part` and `var_par` should be positive, but this # may not be the case due to numerical errors. return B.sqrt(B.maximum(mean_part + var_part, B.cast(self.dtype, 0)))
[docs] def sample(self, num=1, noise=None): """Sample from the distribution. Args: num (int): Number of samples. noise (scalar, optional): Variance of noise to add to the samples. Must be positive. Returns: tensor: Samples as rank 2 column vectors. """ var = self.var # Add noise. if noise is not None: var = B.add(var, B.fill_diag(noise, self.dim)) # Perform sampling operation. sample = B.sample(var, num=num) if not self.mean_is_zero: sample = B.add(sample, self.mean) return B.dense(sample)
@_dispatch def __add__(self, other: B.Numeric): return Normal(self.mean + other, self.var) @_dispatch def __add__(self, other: "Normal"): return Normal(B.add(self.mean, other.mean), B.add(self.var, other.var)) @_dispatch def __mul__(self, other: B.Numeric): return Normal(B.multiply(self.mean, other), B.multiply(self.var, other ** 2))
[docs] def lmatmul(self, other): return Normal( B.matmul(other, self.mean), B.matmul(B.matmul(other, self.var), other, tr_b=True), )
[docs] def rmatmul(self, other): return Normal( B.matmul(other, self.mean, tr_a=True), B.matmul(B.matmul(other, self.var, tr_a=True), other), )